Monday, September 24, 2007

A Frustrating Week Four

Hi Again
This exercise, along with the intro RSS task has given me a good understanding of linking to RSS and the applications that it has for Library 2.0 technologies. As usual, I have tried to push it a bit further along and in my quest have come up against bit of a dead end. Adding the EBSCO link to Bloglines was straight forward, so how about exporting all my RSS feeds, including the EBSCO feed from Bloglines into my blog. Bloglines does have and export function so I selected it and there was a well presented list of RSS links with associated html code. Easy - I'll just include this into my blog using the Add Elements function and insert html code.
I inserted the code using the Add Elements function but it did not work - perhaps I need to change the code but I only have a limited understanding of html having worked with it with a GUI rather than raw code.
The next attempts have generated a bit of frustration as the 'add elements' option with that wonderful menu of what you can include in your blog page has gone! Disappeared! I'll keep looking for it and hope that I can find it soon. Cheers PurpleNixieGirl

Thursday, September 6, 2007

But wait there is more....

Hi Again
This week I have had a few interesting blog experiences that have provided a bit more insight into how blogs can be customised. The first task was a live RSS feed which is done through the 'add page element' function in the settings area. Selecting the page element option revealed exactly how people can include graphics, text, clips and feeds etc into their blog. I have included an RSS feed of photos of the day and a list of web references that are of interest to me.
The second task was to assist a fellow blogger who could not locate the 'add a page' element on their blog template. Using the blog online help I was able to locate the html code setting and changed it from Yes to Np which seemed to do the trick. As for how the 'add page element' function disappeared from the blog template - who knows???
And coming around the corner was my last learning task of changing colours of the blog template and the look and feel of other pre-defined templates against my existing blog. I still have not made my mind up but I may change my look and feel during the week. Thank you for the comments - much appreciated.
Take care and enjoy! Purplenixiegirl.